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- 52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh Ji In Punjabi Pdf Books Online
- 52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh Ji In Punjabi Pdf Books Pdf
The Sikh code of conduct, Rehat Maryada, is based on 52 hukams or edicts issued by Guru Gobind Singh in 1708 at Nanded before Guru Sahib re-joined God. The 52 hukamnamas or edicts giving instruction on appropriate behavior were written by order of Guru Gobind Singh and copied down by Baba Raam Singh Koer whose great grandfather was Baba Buddha.
- Nov 16, 2015 The Sikhism code of conduct Reht Maryada, is based on 52 hukams or edicts issued by Tenth Guru Gobind Singh in 1708 in Nanded and sent to the Sikhs living in Kabul and Hazoor Sahib. The 52 hukamnamas or edicts giving instruction on appropriate behavior were written by order of Guru Gobind Singh and copied down by Baba Raam Singh Koer whose great grandfather was Bhai Baba Buddha.
- The 52 Hukams are a set of instruction in Sikhism set by Guru Gobind Singh in Nanded, Maharashtra, India in 1708. These edicts sum up the ideal way of life of the Khalsa and serve as a code of conduct for the Khalsa Panth.
- Khalsa (Punjabi: ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ, Punjabi pronunciation: ˈxaːlsaː, 'To be pure, to be clear, to be free from') refers to both a community that considers Sikhism as its faith, as well as a special group of initiated Sikhs. The Khalsa tradition was initiated in 1699 by the Tenth Guru of Sikhism, Guru Gobind Singh.Its formation was a key event in the history of Sikhism.
Guru Gobind Singh affixed his personal seal to the document, a copy of which can be seen at historic Gurdwara Paonta Sahib built on the Yamuna river banks in the town of Paonta Sahib of Sirmaur in Himachal Pradesh about 44 kilometers from Dehradun. These edicts sum up the ideal way of life of the Khalsa and serve as a code of conduct for the Khalsa Panth.
No. | Translation | Transliteration |
1. | Work hard for your religion (Sikhi). | Kirat dharam dee karnee. |
2. | Donate a tenth share of your earnings. | Dasvand denaa. |
3. | Memorize Gurbani. | Gurbani kantth karnee. |
4. | Wake up at Amrit vela (before sunrise). | Amrit velā jaggana. |
5. | Serve the Guru's Sikh with love. | Pyar nal Gursikhan dee seva karnee. |
6. | Learn the meaning of Gurbani from the Guru's Sikhs. | Gursikhan passon Gurbani de arth samajhana. |
7. | Follow the discipline of the five K's (articles of faith) strictly. | Panj Kakkar dee rehit drirh rakhnee. |
8. | Practice (Guru's) Shabads. | Shabad da abhiaas karnaa. |
9. | Concentrate on the true guru (God). | Dhian sat-saroop satguru daa karna. |
10. | Believe in the true Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. | Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee noo mananaa. |
11. | When undertaking any task, first perform the (prayer of) Ardās. | Sabh kaarjaan dae arambh velae ardaas karnee. |
12. | For birth naming, funeral, or marriage ceremonies or devotional reading paath, recite Japji Sahib while making Karah Parshad, perform five verses of Anand Sahib, and ardaas, and then distribute Karah Prashad to the Panj Pyare, attending Granthi, and then to the sangat gathered for worship. | Jaman, maran, viah, anand, aad sumae japji da paath kar ke karaah parsaadh tyar kar ke anand sahib da paath, ardas kar ke, punj pyarian ate atae hazooree granthee singhan da vartara vartaar kae rakh opranth sangat noo varta dhena. |
13. | Until Karaah Parshaad has been served to everyone, the sangat (congregation) ought to remain seated. | Jad tak Karaah Parshaad vartadaa rahae sari sangat addol batthee rahae. |
14. | Without the Anand Karaj marriage ceremony, do not start married life. | Viah anand binaa grahist nahee karnaa. |
15. | Other than your wedded wife, consider all women as your mothers, sisters and daughters. | Par istree, ma bhain, dhee, kar jaananee. |
16. | Do not silence your wife. | Istree da mooh nahee phitkaarnaa. |
17. | Discard worldly ways, falsehoods, and poisonous tobacco. | Jagat-jooth tambaakoo bikhiaa da tiaag karnaa. |
18. | Make companions of Gursikhs who follow Rehat (code of conduct) and recite God's name. | Rehitvaan tae naam jupan vaalae gursikhan dee sangat karnee. |
19. | Whatever work you have to do, do not be lazy. | Jitne kum apne karan de houn, ohna de karan vich aalis nahee karnaa. |
20. | Listen to and carry out explanations of Gurbani and kirtan every day. | Gurbanee dee kathaa atae keertan roaz sunanaa tae karnaa. |
21. | Do not slander, or gossip, or be spiteful to anyone. | Kisae dee ninda, chugalee, atae eirkhaa nahee karnee. |
22. | Do not be proud of riches, youthfulness or lineage. (Regardless of maternal and paternal caste or heritage, all of the Guru's Sikhs are siblings of one family). | Dhan, javaanee, kul-jaat da maan naee karnaa. |
23. | Maintain a high standard of purity. | Mat uchee tae suchee rakhnee. |
24. | Continue performing pure (righteous) deeds. | Shubh karam kardae rahna. |
25. | Appreciate intellect and power as gifts of God. | Budh bal da daataa vaheguroo noo jaananaa. |
26. | Have no faith in those swearing oaths (paritcularly hindus and muslims). | Kasam, saun chukan valae tae itbaar nahee karnaa. |
27. | Maintain independent rule (Khalistan). In the affairs of governing, do not give the power of religious authority to those of other faiths. | Sutantar vicharna. Raaj Kaaj dian kamaan tae doosrae mutaa dia purshaan noo huk nahee daenaa. |
28. | Study and learn about how to rule. | Raajnitee vi parhnee. |
29. | When dealing with enemies, practice diplomacy, employ a variety of tactics, and exhaust all techniques before engaging in warfare. | Shatru (dushman) naal saam, daam, bhaed, aadiak, upau vartnae, uprant yudh karnaa dharam hai. |
30. | Learn and train in the skills of weaponry and horseriding. | Shaster vidyaa tae ghorhae-savaari da abhiaas karnaa. |
31. | Study the books and beliefs of other faiths but maintain trust in the Guru's writings and God. | Doosrae dharama dian pustakhan, vidyaa parhnee, par bhrosaa drirh Gurbanee, Akaal Purakh utae hee rakhna. |
32. | Follow the Guru teachings. | Guru updesh dhaaran karnaa. |
33. | After reciting Rehras Sahib [evening prayers], stand up and perform Ardās. | Raheraas da paath kar kharae karo kae ardaas karnee. |
34. | Before sleeping, recite Sohila Sahib (bedtime prayer) begginning 'Pavan guru pani pita...'. | Saun sumae sohilaa da paath karna (pavan guru pani pita...)' salok parhnaa. |
35. | Do not allow you hair to be uncovered (always wear a dastar). | Kesh nangai nahee raknae. |
36. | Address a Singh by their entire name including Singh (or Kaur), do not shorten it by half or call them by nicknames. | Singhaa da pura naam lae ke bulaunaa, adha nahee. |
37. | Do not drink or provide alcoholic drinks. | Sharaab nai peenee-paalunee. |
38. | Do not given a daughter's hand in marriage to one who cuts their hair. Give her to a household where God's Sikhs and tenets of Sikhism are respected. | Bhadnee (sir munae) noo kanaiaa nahee daevenee. Uos ghar daeve jithae Akal Purukh dee sikhee hovai. |
39. | Carry out pure actions in accordance with the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Gurbani. | Subh kaaraj Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji di tabhia te Gurbani anusaar karnae. |
40. | Do not ruin someones work by gossiping. | Chugalee kar kisae da kam nahee vigaarnaa. |
41. | Do not break someones heart by speaking in bitterness. | Kaurha bachan kar ke kise da heridha nahee dakhouna. |
42. | Only make pilgrimages to Gurdwaras. | Darshan yaatraa gurdwaaraan dee hee karnee. |
43. | Keep all promises made. | Bachan karkae paalnaa. |
44. | Do as much possible to serve and aid foreigners, those in need, or in trouble. | Athiti, pardaesee, lorvaand, dukhee, apung manukh dee yataahshkat seva karnee. |
45. | Realize the earnings of a daughter as poison. | Dhee (putaree) dee kumaee (dhan) bikh kar jananaa. |
46. | Do not become a show-off Sikh. | Dikhaavae da Sikh nahee bannaa. |
47. | Live and pass away as a Sikh with hair intact and unshorn. Respect you hair. | Sikhi kesaan suwaasaan sang nibhaaounee. Kesan nu gur smaan jaan adhub karna. |
48. | Do not become involved in theft, friendships, fraud, deception, and pillaging. | Chori, yaari, thugi, dhokaa, dagaa nahee karnaa. |
49. | Trust in a Gursikh. | Gursikh da itbaar karnaa. |
50. | Do not make false statements. | Jhutthi gavaahee nahee daenee. |
51. | Do not tell lies. | Jhut nahee kahna/ bolonaa. |
52. | Serve langar and prashaad equally. | Langar Parshaad ik ras vartaaunaa. |
17 Jul Zafarnama with meanings. Most of the translation is incorrect. and it’s showing wrong meaning in general. 3, Views. 1 Review. 14 Nov Zafarnama (Gurmukhi: ਜ਼ਫ਼ਰਨਾਮਹ or ਜ਼ਫ਼ਰਨਾਮਾ, Persian: ظفرنامہ ) means the “Declaration of Victory” and is the name given to the letter. ZAFARNAMA TRANSLATION IN PUNJABI DOWNLOAD – Zafarnama (letter) The ZafarnÄ ma /zÉ™fÉ™rnÉ’Ë mÉ’Ë / (Punjabi: ਜ਼ਫ਼ਰਨਾਮਾ.
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It is quite possible that in the process of translations and publications of the Zafarnama at different stages, some verses were not reproduced correctly and what we zafarnama translation in punjabi today is not the original Zafarnama of the Guru in its entirety.
What also struck me is that fact zafarnama translation in punjabi even in those medieval days, the level of communication and statesmanship was at such high levels.
The Guru says to Aurangzeb: Guru Ji had instructed Bhai Daya Singh to speak boldly and fearlessly before Aurangzeb when handing him the letter; this he did. This page was last edited on 27 Julyat At last, many on their side fell on the ground Hit by the arrows and the death dealing bullets.
Allah was in my heart but my blind eyes failed to see him. Guru Ji heard from Bhai Dhaya Singh the sympathetic and remorseful mood in which the Emperor had written the reply.
Amazingly 6 zafarnama translation in punjabi actually praise Aurangzeb. Battle of Anandpur Sahib. He issued instructions to his Governors to withdraw all orders against Guru Ji.
He is also believed to have sent a copy to Sardar Umrao Singh Shergill in Amritsar who is said to have given it to Khalsa college and which in turn reproduced in Makhz-e-Twarikh Sikhan.
Zafarnama translation in punjabi Gobind Singh Ji invited Aurangzeb to meet him in Kangar village near Bathinda Punjab and said no need zafarnama translation in punjabi worry as Brar tribe will not harm him Aurangzeb as they pnjabi under his command. His establishment of zafarnnama Khalsa in is considered as one of the most important events in history of Sikhism. The Emperor read the letter and felt that the Guru was a highly intelligent, truthful and fearless warrior.
This website ie www. Views Read Edit View history. Guru Gobind Singh and Ghanaya.
The Zafarnama clearly shows that it was written from Machhiwara after the battle of Chamkaur and after Guru ji had transltion his two elder sons in the battle field.
The letter is written in exquisite Persian verse. Even at Machhiwara he was surrounded zafarnama translation in punjabi enemy forces from all sides. This page was last edited on 27 Februaryat The abrupt end of Zafarnama translation in punjabi also indicates that it is not complete and that some verses have been left out.
In this letter, Guru Gobind Singh Ji reminds Aurangzeb how he and his henchmen had broken their oaths sworn upon the Qur’an. It was at Ghulal village that Guru Ji asked for the letter that was in the safe hands of Sayyad Khan. Despite this deception, this treacherous leader punjxbi not harm the Guru. un
Zafarnama (letter) – Wikipedia
Guru Gobind Singh’s arrows. According to Sikh chronologists it was at Sabo Ki Talwandi that Guru Gobind Singh untied his waist band after a period of nearly eighteen months and breathed a sigh of zafrnama. It was at Ghulal village that Guru Ji asked for the letter zafarnama translation in punjabi was in the safe hands of Sayyad Khan.

Guru Gobind Singh marg.
Guru Gobind Singh and Hari Chand. When the lamp of the world veiled zafarnama translation in punjabi, the moon shone in brightness zafarnama translation in punjabi the night. The Emperor agreed and sent two messengers with Bhai ji and the letter.
Sayyad Inayat Khan got word of this and came to the army camp. The Khan brothers and the Singhs carried Guru Ji on a manji as was the fashion, and reached the village of Ghulal.
Compilation of Dasam Granth. Guru Ji confirms his confidence and his unflinching faith in the Almighty even after suffering extreme personal loss. Guru Ji received the letter from Aurangzeb and after zafarnama translation in punjabi period of rest decided to meet with the emperor, hence Guru Ji’s decision to move to the Deccan.
However it is said that a copy of the Zafarnamawritten by himself, was found with the Mahant of Patna Sahib in and one Babu Jagan Nath made a copy; this copy was somehow misplaced by him. The Zafarnama had a demoralising effect on Emperor Aurangzeb who saw his ppunjabi looming over the horizon and his future appeared very bleak. I have followed the traditional view and have not clubbed the two; Fatehnama zafarnama translation in punjabi separately zafarnama translation in punjabi this web site.
He alone iin a man who keeps his word: At mentioned above he wrote this letter during zafarnama translation in punjabi stay at Dina which is about zafarnama translation in punjabi miles from Kangar; he has translatikn to the latter place in verse Guru Ji decided to send another even more detailed letter to the Emperor in which he neither promised or refused to meet him in the Deccan. Dasam Bani in Sikh History.
Guru Gobind Singh and Hari Chand.
52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh Ji In Punjabi Pdf Books Online
